Having a good Church is very important in the life of a family. Better Life Church is a loving church of Christian believers. We are committed to the spiritual growth and health of every person. We teach from the Holy Bible the principles that will help you and your family grow. We have an exciting Children Church and Teen ministry. If you are looking for a church for the whole family, a place where you can learn and become a Better person – then Better Life Church is your Church! We invite you and welcome you! Sunday Worship 10AM & Tuesday Bible Study 7PM
Pastor Gabriel Alexander is a native of Detroit Michigan. He was saved and filled with The Holy Spirit as a teenager. He accepted the call to Ministry at the age of 18. He is an awesome and Anointed Teacher of the Word of God. He Ministers with passion, authority and commitment to the hearer. Pastor Alexander is a graduate of RHEMA Bible School in Tulsa, Oklahoma in Pastoral studies. He is an entrepreneur and founder of Royal Possessors, which empowers others with knowledge to increase their financial portfolio. He is committed to seeing God's people free in every area of Life. He is the full-time Pastor and Founder of Better Life Church in Eastpointe, MI. Pastor Gabriel is a devoted husband to his wife of 26 years Evelyn Evangelist Alexander. He is also a wonderful father of 3 beautiful children that he is training in the ways of God. You will be blessed by the simple, direct, yet powerful delivery of God's Word through this true man of God. Your life will never be the same, Guaranteed!
Evangelist Alexander is a native of Detroit, MI. She was saved and filled with The Holy Spirit at the age of 9. She accepted the call to the Ministry at the age of 19. She has no greater joy than Teaching and proclaiming the Gospel of The Lord Jesus Christ! Evelyn is a Graduate of the World-Renowned RHEMA Bible Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma in the Evangelist Ministry. She is the Vice-President of Alexander Ministries Inc. President and Founder of "A Definite Aim" Publishing. She is a writer and the author of the books, Color Me Red, What About Job, Suffering is not for the Believer, and Pinesol, Peanut Butter and Passion Life Nuggets for Women of God. She also travels as an Itinerant Minister in the United States and Canada. She is a wife and mother, who assists her husband, Pastor Alexander in Ministry at Better Life Church in Eastpointe, MI. She is the blessed mother of 3 beautiful children; Gabriel II, Nigel and Adonai Sophya.
The Men’s Ministry of Better Life Church, Men of Power, Prayer, Prosperity, and Passion ‘MOP’ exists to raise up and empower men to lead in their spiritual life, family, church, and community. We believe in the importance of fellowship and discipleship. We can change our culture and impact the next generation to prosper in every area of life and live an abundant life in Christ.
The Women’s Ministry of Better Life Church, also known as ‘Living the Journey’, is committed to building a foundation of women who are strong in faith and strong spiritually that Jesus is glorified in who we are and what we do. This Women’s Ministry strengthens and consistently encourages one another as sisters in Christ.
Raising children is the best life’s work. You get to cuddle, hug and play! We have the responsibility to of course feed, clothe and train them. But do you know your chief responsibility? We must get our children to God. He loves them and wants to be in their lives. He sent them to the earth for a wonderful purpose. He wants to show them how to live and get the most out of this life while they are in the earth.
How many time have you heard that? I remember when my 3 kids were 4, 2, and 6 months old. I was knee-deep in Blue’s Clues, Bible bucks, diapers and arts & crafts! I was so tired, but I was so happy! In my prayer time, I was always reminded to enjoy this time, because it goes so fast. My heart’s desire for all my kids (and yours too) is encourage them to develop a relationship with Jesus. I want them to have a strong Bible foundation in them. I want them to love life and fulfil their purpose. The Lord loves them and they need to know that and be reminded of it often. Bring your child(ren) each Sunday and Tuesday to our AWESOME Children’s Church! We want to be a part of your family's support system.
God’s Best,
19300 stephens st., Eastpointe, MI 48021, US | 586.359.2154
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